Native Blooms Stamps

This stamp series highlights indigenous flora in the United States that bears significant ceremonial and medicinal purposes to its native nations. Spanning across the country, the importance of these plants and flowers crosses over into numerous indigenous cultures.

Project Overview: The goal of this project was to create a series of stamps that both highlights and celebrates an underrepresented group within the United States.

Role: Designer, Illustrator, Copywriter

Tools: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Procreate

The process: As a plant lover, I wanted to design stamps featuring plants or flowers. To give the project purpose, I narrowed down the theme to plants that are significant to indigenous cultures in America.

The American Lotus Flower: Symbolizes the Sun.

The Prickly Pear Cactus: Used as a source of food, water, and medicine. It also provides needles and can be used as a container.

The Butterfly Weed: Used in salves to treat rashes, fever, coughs, and asthma.

The Echinacea Flower: Treats a cough, sore throats, burns, and pain.

This image features the series within a stamp pane. It’s how the stamps would appear in a store or online for purchase.

Challenge: Creating four simple and small illustrations that hold well together as a group can be tricky! I made sure to focus on the color palette, as well as sticking to a similar line weight when drawing the plants.


Lily's Chocolate


Lake Balaton Postcard