Brambly Fruit Wine

Brambly Fruit Wine is a fictional product that I’ve designed and created a branding ecosystem for. The concept of Brambly Fruit wine is that it’s wine made from raspberries and blackberries; which are fruits that grow on bramble bushes!

Project Overview: The goal of this project was to come up with a brand-new product that doesn’t exist yet on the market. I created product mockups, packaging, and brand guidelines for Brambly.

Role: Designer, Illustrator, Copywriter

Tools: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Below are some initial logo sketches and mockups for Brambly. The words I had in mind for brand voice were bold, quirky, and fun.

Wine Box Packaging Prototype

Challenge: Finding the right typeface to echo the voice of your brand can be a lengthy process. I decided to go with Forma DJR Display. The distinct and inviting geometric letterforms speak to Brambly’s bold personality. Another challenge I faced was creating brand patterns. I decided to call back to my illustration skill and use hand-drawn imagery of berries for the bottle’s label.


Visual Puns